Artist/Organization Name: The Little Theatre of Manchester
Event Title: Audition Workshop: How To Audition for Theatre
Date: Sunday, October 29, 2023
Start Time: 10:00 am
End Time: 1:00 pm
Event Information: This event is FREE to attend but registration is required.
Have you ever wanted to go through a practice audition before the big day? Or have you ever wanted inside tips for what a director may be looking for in an audition?
This workshop will give you more practice and confidence with cold readings, improv, and what a director may be expecting of you. This workshop will be part simulation and part discussion on what to do and how to prepare yourself for an audition.
No need to prepare anything, just dress comfortably and be prepared to participate.
Location: The Little Theatre of Manchester at Cheney Hall
Cost: Free - registration required
For more information, contact::
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