23rd Annual Black-eyed & Bluesfest Duke Robillard
Organization: Connecticut Blues Society
Date(s): 7.28.23, 7.29.23
Rain Date(s): Bushnell Park Pavilion for Sunday as a rain date.
Time: Fri 7.28, 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Sat 7.29, 1:00 - 10:00 pm
Location: Black Eyed Sallys and Bushnell Park
Description of the Event:
The Connecticut Blues Society (CTBS) in partnership with Hartford-based Black-Eyed Sally’s will present the 23th annual Black-eyed & Blues Festival on Fri. July 28 and Sat. 29, 2023. The weekend will consist of two free music concerts at Black Eyed Sally's and Bushnell Park in Hartford, CT. The two-day, free music event will include both local and nationally recognized artists.
Each performance day is designed to showcase a range of blues music, from Chicago Blues to West Coast and Delta Blues. We are specifically featuring artists who are expanding the boundaries of traditional concert music and are interested in expanding their vision within a diverse cultural and community context.